About Condo Admin

FREE Residents' Portal application designed to enable various services related to Property Management. In terms of functionality, it is similar to other applications present on the Canadian market, such as BuildingLink or CondoControl, except that we don't charge any service fees. Our source of income is Advertising revenue, which we share with our customers. 
Not only the service is free of charge; your Corporation could earn revenue by inviting local community agents and contractors to advertise!

We offers 3 separate access points (portals):
- Users' Portal - for Owners, Residents, Visitors, Contractors etc.
- Property Management Portal - for Property Managers, Concierge, Security and Parking Enforcement.
- Administrative Portal - reserved for CondoAdmin staff.

Easy 'In and Out'
- No Fees and No Contract!
Once we set up your custom environment, you use it for as long as you wish at no cost.
- Upload and download data in bulk using Excel templates.
We can offer extra services to assist you with data management, if required.

Key Features for Individual Users (Owners, Residents, Visitors, Contractors):
- Maintain own profile including mailing address, emergency contact, picture etc.
- Add and maintain residents, children, pets, visitors, contractors, vehicles etc.
- Book amenities, visitors' parking.
- Groups for private conversations including Board of Directors, interest groups (Yoga, Tennis, Chess etc).
- Requests - messages to Property Management or Staff to assist with maintenance, repairs etc.
- Direct 2-way communication with Property Management: Announcements, Document repository etc.
- Relevant local Ads giving you access to contractors, agents dedicated to serving your community.
- Notifications - new messages on the Dashboard.

Key Features for Administrative Users (Property Managers, Concierge, Security, Parking Enforcement):
- Customizable Permissions - each User type gets access to relevant data and modules only.
- Dashboard featuring Powerful Search tools and Notifications
- Data Management tools - Upload / Download in bulk via Excel files, extensive lists and reports.
- Incidents - workflow-enabled communication feature tracking various types of incidents, statuses and resolution.
- Parcels - managing parcel delivery and pick-up.
- Amenities and Parking booking.
- Votes and Surveys.
- Parking Enforcement - list of parking passes Valid and Expired.

Continuous Development
We're continuously adding new features based on feedback from our customers. Modules coming up with the next release:
- Building Maintenance (contract management, service schedules, issues tracking etc)
- Phone Apps for Communications and Visitors' Parking.

Interested? Contact us to book a Demo!
E-Mail us at info@condoadmin.ca, or get in touch with one of the representatives listed below.

Download our presentation brochure here:

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